Review by Mazal
BlockedParent2022-08-10T02:27:10Z— updated 2024-01-14T21:12:32Z

There are intriguing and intelligent narrative nuances brought out in Elizabeth I's pre-coronation years, yet.. (sigh) the pacing is a muddle. Halfway through, Edward is still alive, still half-king. We have yet to get through Lady Jane's and Bloody Mary's reigns. Where is this series going? As for Elizabeth—oy. Out of over a dozen characterizations (in films I've screened), I've never seen Elizabeth written as so dull, witless, and stupid a girl. All the characters surrounding her—particularly her lover/pseudo-step-father, Thomas Seymour—proclaim to behold the spark before them, which will one day ignite a bold and canny Virgin Queen's 45-year reign. But I don't see it in Alicia von Rittberg, though the fault may be with the writers and director. The love triangle between Elizabeth, Seymour, and King Henry's widow, Catherine Parr, is interesting, and the impulse is correct (in my view). However, to hang the entire season grinding the angle into dust is less interesting, particularly as Elizabeth comes out of it seemingly more vain, self-absorbed, and unenlightened from the tortured romance. Bella Ramsey's Lady Jane is equally tedious. The surprise standout of the series is Romola Garai. Compounding the stellar acting, Garai's Mary grows more intelligent and sharp with every episode, while her character groks each new event, spiritually evolving into a higher nobility and rank. We watch in awe as Mary's stature gains momentum. Considering the grotesque portrayals common to Bloody-Mary-past, seeing Mary from this angle is a treat and a surprise. Clearly, the producers wish to see the seasons grow with Elizabeth surviving each of her siblings' (+ short-lived cousin's) reign. However, the series would be far greater if Becoming Elizabeth would just, well.. become Elizabeth.

UPDATE: —welp— I guess the reign of Elizabeth is not to "become." CANCELLED.

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OPReply by Mazal

@lezelmaz Well I guess we'll never get to see Mary's reign, nor Elizabeth come into her own—CANCELLED!


Doesn't surprise me—but did surprise me that the series got rave reviews (per Rotten Tomatoes).
