I don’t judge MJ... It was really petty and unnecessary of him to push the car that Susan took two days to build (and which turned out beautiful) in the middle of the street like that, just for the garbage truck to run over it. He could have said those things without destroying anything. But I understand that he’s still angry and frustrated by everything that’s been going on. The sudden loss of his father is not enough, in a very cruel way, at the door of the house... There’s even this thing about people treating him differently, looking at him differently. And I think this is very “natural” for people his age, other children to look at him and even say “he doesn’t have a father”. So this fear was understandable. I will never find this plot too dramatic, because I consider it real. People die, and some, like Mike, leave like that... It’s never easy to deal with, but when someone is taken from you by someone else’s hands, it must be even worse.

Lawyers are “sharks”, and prosecutors will dig deep into the depths for anything that can help them incriminate and convict someone. However, this claim that Bree may have taken Alejandro home and not even remember him is a very easy argument to overturn: she lost her sobriety and started dating different men many months after his death – whose time of death has already been declared by the coroners. The only problem in this case is Bree’s fingerprint on his clothes (which can also be dropped with that suggestion from Trip, about being a donation from Bree herself). As for that forged evidence from Detective Murphy, they might as well contest it. Anyway... Bree having a crush on Trip isn’t surprising. It’s amazing how quickly she is interested in other men. Season 2 was the only one she spent single (and at the beginning there was George), every other season she had someone. But it’s so cute to see! Too bad it’s under these circumstances...

I feel like laughing in Tom’s face when he says Lynette dating his boss is “embarrassing.” Pathetic. He did what he did all season and now he wants to butt in just because he knew about this date. Loved Lynette’s response to this. And I thought it was cool that she was hanging out with Gregg and pulling strings to harm Tom. But that last decision was a bomb. Gregg doesn’t seem to think straight, it makes no sense to conclude that she wanted Tom out of the picture to end his relationship. She just wanted to shudder. Even with the divorce in progress and Jane on the way, Tom remains the father of her children. And they still have three children at home – one of whom is still a baby. It was too absurd for the boss to decide to send him to a distant country for a whole year.

In the Gaby and Carlos plot, I think they were both equally wrong in their treatment of Ms. Hammond. Gaby for pushing expensive things and taking advantage of the woman’s naivete. And Carlos for butting in. Both saw the lady as just a “bank”, regardless of the interest for the money. In the “war” between the two, Carlos is once again brutal and exaggerated. It’s okay that he has this desire to change and do more “important” things, help others, etc etc. He’s felt it ever since he regained his sight. But he doesn’t have to do this whole show, does he? Acting like he’s a far superior person now, when all Gaby is doing is helping to keep what they have.

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