Review by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-08-11T04:29:15Z— updated 2022-08-23T03:23:19Z

"Drone" is a major pivotal moment for Seven. We have seen her struggle with being "one", from the moment she was severed from the Borg cult, and not so long ago in the episode also called "one".

It is no coincidence that the aforementioned number, is reused here as a valued title, having been previously used to convey fear and disdain.

The "mirroring" is metaphor - One's existence and individuality reminds Seven that her own uniqueness cannot be replicated, it is beautiful and to be treasured. He reflects her humanity, (a humanity she constantly questions) in his desire to learn, his compassion and ultimate self sacrifice. The literal mirror at the introduction and conclusion of the episode further solidifies all this. She realises that she does not need to pretend to be someone she is not (the fake smiling in the intro an exaggerated attempt at humanity) and that she is fine just as is (the unsmiling, contemplative, albeit grieving face by the end).

Of course he's still got some of his dna from the human ensign who unwittingly fathered him, so we could speculate that his human nature might have been significantly influenced by his father's genes, but we cannot rule out his nurturing by Seven and the crew (the villlage). That won in the end.

sigh Knowing what's going to happen doesn't soften the blow. You think you'll be fine and then you end up with tears streaming down your face even though it's the third time you've seen the episode.

Yep, this one resonates deep within my soul. I too am "one" (just like everyone else lol), and some days that feeling pushes me heavily into the negative, other days it's a banner I proudly wave in celebration of my victory at having survived this callous world that often doesn't take too kindly to individual differences.

Great episode - 9.5/10

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