Shout by Cory Copeland

Lightyear 2022

When I first saw this trailer, I saw a more adult focused Pixar movie and couldn’t help but be excited (especially since it was with a Toy Story character)! While the excitement isn’t unwarranted, I think it is safe to say this is one of the weaker outings in the rather strong Pixar catalog. It’s good. It’s worth watching. I surely think it won’t be a “kid” favorite. But furthermore, I don’t think it really hit the full mark as an adult movie either. Personally, I would rather have more home run family films with humor and heart. I do appreciate them trying new things, and I am sure they will again. Maybe next time they will go with a full new IP and make a bigger stamp on the target audience!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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After recently revisiting the Toy Story films, I wanted to give this another chance. Unfortunately, it almost makes me more upset with all the wasted potential. It totally abandons everything that makes Toy Story great and Buzz himself is a totally different character. Again, it’s good. But far from my favorite Pixar and not comparable to the mainline series.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching
