Review by FuckYouToo23

Mortal Engines 2018

I’m less than 30 minutes into this movie and there are so many things that don’t make any sense or are done so badly I had to pause to write this, since chances are I’m not making it another 30 minutes of watching this.

Overall, there is no worldbuilding, there is no characterbuilding, we’re hardly introduced to anything and instantly thrown into some very flawed action, flawed to the point of being annoying, more on that later. The lack of characterbuilding makes it feel like this is a sequel and the viewer missed the first movie where character backstory was established. Since that is not the case (I assume?), it’s simply not effective in making the viewer care for any of what is happening.

As for the flawed action:

Within the first five minutes there are glaring issues with how the physics are portrayed, from one part of the vessel/moving city shaking incredibly, to other parts appearing completely still, until the camera pans out and we see the vessels literally dropping and jumping dozens of meters making the difference between shots even more unrealistic, especially when it comes to the smaller vessel. The “American deities” on the big vessel are somewhat funny, but they’re in a museum on the big vessel without being secured in any way?

As we move on it only gets worse and worse every minute. Personal belongings of the capture vessel’s inhabitants are searches thoroughly, but the huge moving city (the vessel) itself just gets chopped up immediately without a single person even setting foot on it?

Two people get knocked off the big vessel with plenty of time in between, and while it’s supposedly moving at earth-shattering speeds, they both land a couple feet from each other?

On board the big vessel, primitive tech is powered by a literal hamster in a wheel (not kidding), but that same big vessel also has an aviation unit with incredibly advanced aircraft?

I really want to like this and look past the impossibility of these moving cities (it is fantasy after all), but the inconsistencies are many, too many.

There was an attempt to make something unique here, and so far, I can’t say they succeeded. I’ll continue watching this, but so far, a rating of 68% (at the time I write this) seems incredibly generous. Visually, it’s pretty pleasing, but that’s absolutely the only thing this movie has going for it.

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