I might belong to a small camp here, but I totally understand and accept Lea's answer. If you look at it from her perspective, just think of how thoughtful of a decision it is to give up on your own feelings because you don't want to be a burden with your baggage to that person. And yes, she has to put herself first because it's her life. Doesn't matter if we're talking about an autistic person, a drug addict, a handicapped one, a depressed one... if someone feels like no matter how much they love that person, they just can't deal with them in some way, that someone has every right to reject the other one. (They have a right either way, but you get what I'm trying to say.)
Even from the "other side", as someone with anxiety and depression, I don't want to be with someone who can't deal with the shit that comes with these mental illnesses. Because, sadly, even though I'm healing, they still shape my mentality and way of thinking in certain ways. So it's only natural for me to not want my partner to bend over backwards for me or feel uncomfortable/scared/annoyed/etc. just because they don't know how to deal with me when I have an anxiety attack, for example.

From Lea's POV, she knows her "faults", weaknesses, pet peeves, etc., and if she needs a boyfriend who, idk, hugs her a lot for example, she won't choose Shaun. Why do some ppl in the comments think Lea should give up her wants and needs in a relationship just to make Shaun, who happens to be autistic, happy? Fuck that. I totally get Shaun. It was a hard and brave decision for him to tell Lea how he feels. But no one is obligated to get into a relationship with him and cut down on their own needs just because Shaun is autistic. Both parties deserve happiness, comfortableness and their needs met in a relationship. If Lea doesn't want to compromise that much just to please Shaun, that's entirely understandable.

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