Shout by Vault Boy

The Sandman 2022

What a woke mess, This show is destined for the waste basket.

It's a shame all these interesting concepts get co-opted by the look-at-me message.

I tried hard to get through it, but so many unlikeable / unrelatable characters in one place is hard to stomach.

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@Lone_Gunman ffs, the two female lovers early in the show were in the original comic. And I don't know if you're aware, but gay people have existed for thousands of years in all segments of society. Now they just don't have to hide in the shadows, except in certain backward areas like the Southern United States and parts of the Middle East. Are they now overrepresented on TV as a percentage of their actual numbers in the U.S.? Sure, that's a debate that can be had, but crying woke everytime a gay person pops up, give me a break, yo.
