Despite the last episode's finale not being great, this episode was fantastic and hilarious.

Since it's mostly a fanservice episode, there's not many plotholes to mention, so I'll just say a few, before jumping in to what I think is awesome about it

Plotholes & Logic Fails

  1. Isaac researching biological bonding rituals on a monitor is inefficient as opposed to just directly downloading them

  2. Lysella already had a comm scanner, but never introduced its technology to her people, but then again she also didn't realize the value in sharing it until after she experienced more of The Orville's post-scarcity civilized culture

  3. Lysella, throughout most of the episode has very muted/stiff facial expressions, so it just seems like she's not really there most of the time.

    • Being allowed to stay on the Orville, her smile was only on her mouth, and the rest of her face was dead, like Botox
    • Seeing a holode—ahem—environmental simulator for the first time, all she did was raise her eyebrows, didn't smile or laugh in disbelief, cover her mouth with her hands, nope nothing. She was acting pretty much like Isaac's Human form when she first saw it, before proceeding to look constipated throughout most of the scene
  4. In my opinion, when Isaac is explaining why he asked Kelly out, if the camera showed her face flattening at the exact moment he mentions LaMarr, that would've been perfect for that scene

  5. Isaac asking Gordon to be his best man had research and reasoning behind it, but suddenly switching to Bortus had no verifiable evidence to support Bortus' self-claims, so the decision to choose Bortus was illogical


  1. The very beginning music and videography of the episode made it very clear that its a "break" or "fanservice" episode, which was very nice and relaxing to not have to expect anything that serious to happen

  2. Bortus and Klyden's re-mating ritual shows that Seth personally directed this episode with his sense of humour, and it reminds me of Family Guy's "catch the greased up deaf guy" scene. I think it's funny, but what's really funny to me is another part of the episode that got me crying tears of laughter. I'll mention that one later (I'll let you know when it comes, in bold)...

  3. I loved that Isaac proposal scene. It caught me totally off guard and was fun to see

  4. The Isaac-Claire dialogue about why Isaac proposed is funny with Isaac's typical character showing.

    • Claire: "What does my current age have to do with anything?" Isaac: "...most have found it desirable to marry prior to the onset of physical deterioration"
    • Claire: "My death is an inevitable Human reality. What will you do then?" Isaac: "Perhaps I will select a new companion" LOL
    • Isaac offering to take care of her entire line of descendents was completely out of the park and I was like "SH*T" LOL that's the offer of a lifetime, actually multiple lifetimes all in one
  5. Kelly: "You've been useful, sober man. You may go now" lol

  6. John giving Isaac that horribly timed advice was so consistent with John's character and was just a massive facepalm because we all know Isaac is just going to follow it, which is a nice rollercoaster moment

  7. We gotta see more of Jenny (Liutenant Turco, the one who tells Isaac not to listen to John's advice because "he's a cynic"). I think she's a great personality to include more

  8. The moment Claire walks in on Marcus and Ty, the boys' acting was great, because it gives the impression that they already know, are holding back from saying anything, and are excited to hear her to tell them she said yes

  9. Right when Isaac walks into Kelly's office, I knew exactly what he would do, because of John's "advice", and boom it still made me laugh because of Isaac's bluntness. "...followed by sexual conjugation" lol

  10. I absolutely love Kelly explaining to Lysella how "working on what you love" works, because that's exactly how it works today, with the only difference being you can find people willing to pay you for the work you love doing. I especially love her description of reputation being a currency, because it already is the greatest currency today. Think about it: Who are the most widely-loved people in the world? Are they poor or successful? There you go

  11. When Claire asks Kelly to be her maid of honor "Will you do it?", Kelly's "girlsplosion microseizure" was cute

  12. The moment I see Claire walking into Engineering, I knew what was going to happen, and that shout was great, and how Jenny and Brosk (The green bubbly-headed alien played by Jim Mahoney) looked at each other, knowing exactly what's happening because of the "advice" John gave Isaac earlier. And then everyone staring at John after the shoutout was hilarious "The hell y'all lookin' at?!"

  13. Now comes the absolute funniest moment I've probably ever watched on any TV show ever: Isaac calling up Kaylon Primary, talking about how strange Human customs are, but then...

    • Isaac: "Dr. Finn has invited numerous guests, therefore I am expected to do the same"
    • Primary: "Do you wish all units to attend?"
    • I laughed imagining every Kaylon in existence coming to attend the wedding, but then...
    • Isaac: "That would seem reasonable"
    • Primary: "Very well. We will assemble the fleet"
    • The laughing died down as the episode continued
    • But then the entire Kaylon fleet shows up suddenly and I'm laughing to tears again
    • I'm laughing all the way through seeing the army of Kaylon taking up half the wedding

There were many other things, but I'll leave it at that, because nothing else in this entire series can beat Isaac inviting every Kaylon in existence to his wedding

Seth, you're insane. Hilarious, but insane. You've been useful, sober man. You may go now. But I'll be waiting for your season 4

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