In the conversation between Queen Alicent and Sir Cristen, its obvious they are both speaking about different aspects of that night. Or were they both talking about Daemon? The way I interpreted it, he was confessing to his transgressions with the Princess. Since he didn't know what went on with Daemon that night, would he have accepted punishment if he knew she wasn't talking about him? And to her, he was just confirming the Princess lied to her.

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@matts No, she was asking about Daemon. And he assumed she was accusing him. He just spoke too soon and she didn't informed him about Daemon. There would be no punishment if she wasn't talking about him, so why would he accepted that punishment?

@gloom8 I meant the punishment for breaking his vow of chastity. Because, as he said before, he accepted chastity in exchange for his role as part of the King's Guard and Sworn Protector of the Princess. Its why he killed Rhaenyra's husband's lover, to protect her and their secret.

@matts Gotcha!

this 5 words limit is total bs
