Better effort and "end result" this week as Sterling, much to the chagrin of his dysfunctional work "family", makes real progress toward addressing his many issues, for as you know, the first step in making personal progress is the realization that you may indeed have a problem.

Comical side result is that, in the course of trying to help Archer with HIS issues, the staff (sans Pam who, as the shrink said, is clearly the most well adjusted of all of them) become aware of their OWN myriad "eccentricities", and end up trying to work through them while trying to protect Sterling's therapist, now on an IIA elimination list due to any "secrets" Archer may have spilled.

Pam comes into her element this episode as we get the rare look at her (very cool) digs, (yeah, you were surprised too!) which leads to more giggles and grins as things start getting destroyed during the fray. (Dude! That's VINTAGE!!) Sterling comes within a hairs breadth of making a momentous personal decision, but, then, his co-workers basically guilt him into staying cuz, they don't want to lose their jobs..., er,... because Mallory would want IAA to continue, and they are his "family" now.

Side bar... Lana still quick with the green monster whenever she perceives Archer may be "getting some". Predictable, if not tiring.

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