Shout by Shubes

Rabid 1977

Meh...Just another zombie apocalypse movie, only this one was made back in the 70s and had a porn star for the leading role. If you want several shots of Marilyn Chambers' boobs without running the risk of your mom catching you with a porn flick, this is the film for you. Apart from that, there is NOTHING memorable about this and the whole thing was dull and lifeless. A vagina (with a razor-sharp proboscis emanating from it, no less!) develops in this chick's armpit, and suddenly the world is awash with blood-sucking, frothing-at-the-mouth rabid humanoids. The whole story was poorly developed, poorly written, and poorly acted. If there was ANY "upside" to this, it was simply seeing those wild 70's scenes: bell-bottom pants, burnt orange carpeting, gold drapes, paisley wallpaper. So much to roll your eyes and dislike here, I would recommend giving this one a pass even to hardcore fans of Cronenberg. Just not worth wasting an hour and a half on.

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