Review by Yash Patel

Uncut Gems 2019

I should post my essay on this, but I won't. Not too many people would want to read it lol. I gave it a four because I never want to feel what I felt watching this movie ever again. I do want to applaud this film for that same reason though.

The Safdie brothers made such an uncomfortable, almost painful experience in this film, and apparently, that was their goal. from their cinematography choices, plot choices, character choices, etc., this whole film was a very user-unfriendly experience. We kinda need more of these kinds of films that rip themselves out of this sea of uninteresting films. I am certainly no film guru or anything like that, but I will praise this movie for being incredibly unique, and how well it does what it was made to be.

To get out of my word vomit above, I will say that this movie was made to be a very uncomfortable experience. I'd honestly give it a ten out of ten for doing that. It is perfect when it comes to that, and everyone should probably experience this movie once to understand what this movie is. It's just not my cup of tea though lol, I was painfully uncomfortable during the whole film, and I never want to do that again.

I did watch this movie twice. The first time had me angry that I spent my time watching this film, since I never really understood what it was. The second time had me feeling just as bad, or maybe worse, especially since I knew everything that was going to happen, I just didn't know when, so it felt like I was watching a ticking timebomb strapped to my stomach that was ready to go off at any time. I clenched so hard that I could make diamonds from coal at some points lol.

Anyways, Actors did a stand-up job, direction was nuts, cinematography was perfect, in the sense that it was supposed to make me go crazy, characters were fine.

I keep on word vomiting, but I want to say that everything was perfect in the sense that the point was to make you feel uncomfortable, upset, and anxious. To a movie watcher who doesn't expect or want to feel these feelings, the characters, cinematography, and direction are incredibly volatile to the viewer.

TL:DR; Phenomenal art piece. Everything that this movie was set out to do, it did incredibly well. Keep this film away from me, I never want to see it again.

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