Well, I enjoyed focus on the characters while it lasted. On one hand it would be interesting to see Rick struggle in unknown territory with portals. On the other, broken portal gun was a nice framing device forcing writers to tread new ground for awhile.

As the whole, if audience is so divided, than creators should make a choice and stick with it. Pointing fingers at some fans as excuse for not doing with the show what they supposedly want in fear of low ratings is kinda silly. In my opinion, if they stick with the original formula they would miss out on alot of potential for the show, but it would also make it more consistent.

Rick and Morty have interesting concept that only they can do, but the show rarely hits those high highs of emotional or memorable episodes, not just moments in them. For example Futurama had plenty and it was way more old formula. It's probably to late to do deep cut into characters on the level of Bojack anyway. Bojack could be easily put among the best tv shows of all times, but it started as drama and a character study in ridiculous setting and Rick is well past the point of those development. It's unique, but not outstanding.

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