Shout by Justin Numerick

Only Murders in the Building

Season 2

While I don't think that this season did as much for me as season 1 did, I think that's mostly due to the novelty of the show wearing off. The first season was something equally so unique and captivating that it stood out so much, while this season the show hasn't dropped off at all in terms of overall quality, but the uniqueness is somewhat lost just because the concept of the show isn't as groundbreaking anymore. This feels like an unfair point to make because its no fault of the show for season 2 being less memorable than season 1, but in the end I do think that the novelty being worn off holds this season back just a little bit. Even though I wasn't as in love with this as much as season 1, this is still one of the best written, funniest, and most charming shows out there right now and I still thoroughly enjoyed this season.

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