Review by Jack Cornish

Snowpiercer 2020

I put off watching this for so long because I was worried that I wasn't going to like it and I was kind of right. What started out as an interesting premise and a few great character arcs slowly descended into chaos. The show was trying to follow so many character arcs at once that it allowed itself to become stale.

Plot developments became less interesting and I was struggling by the time I got to the end of season 3. Jennifer Connelly as Melanie was a really good casting choice for this series but she should have been in this so much more. I feel like, had she been the principal character then the show would have been somewhat redeemable.

That isn't me saying that there isn't good to this show. As mentioned before it has a good premise and some of the acting was really good. The overall story arc of season 1 was excellent but sort of dropped off as the show went on. The introduction of Melanie's daughter Alex and the tension they had between wasn't a surprising addition to the series but it was a welcome one as it added to the intrigue.

I'd be interested to check out the fourth season upon release but won't be in a rush.

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