Shout by whos_ur_buddha

Barbarians: Season 2

2x01 New Legions

What is this The Thing they keep talking about? They couldn’t find a better translation then calling it The Thing? Sounds so weird.

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@whos_ur_buddha not sure if that's what you're talking about but does this Wikipedia article help? ->

Summary: It was a political meeting of Germanic tribes. Not sure whether the modern English word thing referring to an object is directly related. I believe that hustings is though (-> i. e. literally a "house assembly"). But usually thing is the appropriate English term when referring to the Germanic assembly.

In modern German, Thing also refers to the Germanic meeting. But it's pronounced /ting/ in German - there's no digraph sound like English /th/ in German. In modern German, Thing exclusively refers to the historic assembly. No modern meeting or parliament would be called Thing in modern German. And the English word thing referring to an item, translates to Ding in modern German. Thus, we Germans don't have the problem to confuse the word for the assembly (Thing) and the word for an object (Ding), while English speakers might be confused about the two thing.

The word survived in some modern Scandinavian languages (Vikings were Germanic tribes!) though. The Danish parliament is called Folketing I believe (i. e. something like "Folks' Thing").

@whos_ur_buddha this is a very late reply but a "Thing" is an actual thing (lol), it's like a gathering of free men in Germanic society. You can read more on WIkipedia:

@alexlimberg wow. I had no idea. Should’ve looked it up before posting my comment. Very interesting. And learned something new. Thank you.

@shikkakku I had no idea. Should’ve looked it up before posting my comment. Very interesting. And learned something new. Thank you.
