Not sure I needed all those couples having sex at the end... sorry, that's not why I watch GA.

I think the topic of abortion's important, and it's even more important to address it in times like these where women's rights are challenged pretty much all over the world (not just the US). That's why I'd have wished for a more layered portrayal of the teenage pregnancy case. I mean the girl realizes she's late, has a pregnancy test... and practically right afterwards gets pills shoved into her hands. No time to think about her decision, frankly, no time to even make an informed decision. I realize she's scared, she's overwhelmed, but exactly because of that I'd have expected Addison to bringt some calm and rationality into the situation. But no, her agenda was teenage pregnancies and Roe vs Wade and backstreet abortions - but not this frightened girl. Granted, the girl probably would have stuck to her decision after calming down (and thinking about more than fish and her parents) - and that's completely okay. I'm bothered by the way this was handled, not by the outcome.

And I'm not sure, but isn't Washington a blue state (and Californa as well, where Addison comes from)? Shouldn't she focus on states where abortion's actually at risk to be or already widely restricted (i.e. red states)? Sex Ed is important, in general. But having Addison appear in Seattle for a couple of ads is just very contrived - although I like seeing her.

In general, addressing such controversial topics works better if you don't use the whole cast to preach one message - but if you actually set up a discussion. Make someone in the cast take the opposite side - or even being on the fence on the topic. But we need a serious discussion (on this and several other topics), not a sermon.

Love Bailey going back to teaching and doing what she loves. Right move here.

And the grandmother suffering from dementia... yawn didn't we cover this already ad nauseam with Meredith and Alice?

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