This show is taking Star Wars more and more away from the fairy tale and to places that are uncomfortable. And I love it !

I was suspecting their is a mole inside the ISB but I did not see that angle. Luthen is willing to send fifty people to their death to let the ISB think they are still ahead. That's what Rebellion really means. Sacrifice. Everyone has to sacrifice for something they might never see. That's what fighting means. Awesome scene that also drops a rather interesting piece of information. Luthen said HE started this fifteen years ago. That would take it to about Episode III or just before. So, who is he ?! What's his connection ? Is there more to it or is it just useless dialogue ?

The prison escape was great, too. Not over the top and well filmed. I hope this wasn't the last we've seen of Kino as he really grew on me the last couple of episodes. I wonder how they will escape from the planet, thought.

The Mon Motha part seems kind of filler. I suspect she'll be forced to turn back to Davo for moving money. Even if she didn't like his terms. Which is why right now the scene feels like a dropped in deleted scene.

But hey, I'm always cursing when the credits roll in because I want to know how it's going to continue. And that's a good thing, right ?

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