01x07 - Doodad: 7.8/10 (Impressive)

“Doodad,” the next-to-last episode, was impressive, despite its slight flaws. At last, we have an explanation for what happened to the data. As it turns out, Aelita intended to transfer the information to Burton’s haptics via a data download, but with Flynn piloting the peripheral, the data instead transformed into DNA and embedded itself within Flynn. That’s hardly the most intelligent idea the creators could have come up with, but I can buy into it. My other concerns were also addressed, particularly the lack of world-building. We were given some background on the stub and a further glimpse into the power dynamics of the “future” society.

Tommy isn’t a bystander anymore; he’s taken the initiative, and the road ahead for him seems exciting. I worry, though, that his decision not to inspect the dead corpse may come back to haunt him. It looks like some of the writing in this episode was a bit overblown, like when Bob slit his arm near a major artery to create a distraction, knowing full well that he’s battling a more than-capable guy. It felt forced and without any sort of insight. Wilf’s character has been slowly written off to being completely inconsequential, and it would be a pity if the authors didn’t find a way to keep him involved in the story, as both the role and the actor’s performance are rather solid. Connor’s journey is great, and his future in the Peripheral promises to be exciting; this, coupled with his developing “relationship” with Beatrice, he’ll likely come to play a significant role down the line.

I find the show’s premise intriguing, but so far, I feel like “The Peripheral” hasn’t been able to entirely do it justice. I haven’t read the book, so I can’t say whether or not it’s better, but I can say that “The Peripheral” has promise; all that’s needed is satisfactory execution. Ultimately, it was a good episode, and the season has been good thus far. I’m crossing my fingers that they can pull off the season finale and have the kinks ironed out for the next season.

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