Wow! I'm very impressed with the graphics and quality, especially since this aired in 2001. Compared to a lot of other series at that time (or even into the mid-2000's) this is top notch. You can really tell this is a higher budget series and that makes it stand up really well, even 20+ years later.

Admittedly I'm a little put off by Clark's human parents who found him in a field and just decided to keep him lol. Rather than... idk contacting the police, making sure there are no missing children? They just kept him? Haha I love how uninterested they were in making this series super realistic.

The soundtrack choice for this episode is phenomenal. Hearing Eight Half Letters by Stereoblis when they arrived to school is like the perfect musical representation of the early 2000's pop-punk high school scene. It really helps set the scene for the show and give us a feel for who these characters are.

The character development in this is really good, if not a little dramatic in the typical teenage drama series kind of way. A primary example is the way Clark's father treated Lex after the accident... the accident that wasn't his fault. But they've gotta ramp up the drama somehow.

Regardless, this was a great pilot. Looking forward to watching the show. Shame I didn't watch it sooner.

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