What the f is going on? Is there something I missed in regards to her conscious being able to exist in two places at the same time?
Or did she fork her timeline into a new stub, which means she exists in the new timeline including everything she knows BUT in that timeline she doesn't execute herself?
I'm surprised I'm the first one to comment on this asking questions about what the hell just happened.

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@teuben Did not get this either, they’d should have spend more time explaining what the hell is going on, instead of wasting it on scenes where nothing really happens. Disappointing

@teuben I failed to get this too and hoped to maybe find an answer here. Alas.

At first I thought she just duplicated her timeline to a new stub, but it seems like she might have picked a slight variation of that timeline, like maybe her mother not dying for example, and Connor not having lost his limbs. In that case I would imagine what was done is that a backup of her consciousness was copied in the future, and then transferred to that alternate stub. Not entirely sure though. The duplicate stub does seem more plausible from what we're shown of the world.
