Shout by Shay

This was not the strongest premier the show has had, that's for sure. It was great having Mary back in the picture and seeing how she's adjusting to the time changes - and how she interacts with Dean. Mama didn't skip a beat when he was in trouble. Didn't expect anything less.

But the whole British Men of Letters thing kinda feels like a cop out because they don't know where to take the series. Seems unlikely to me that when the Men of Letters were wiped out that nobody came and tried to restart it in the states... especially with so many resources sitting there untouched for decades. Like the bunker the boys are living in?

I am ready for Toni to go back from whence she came and leave Sam alone. She isn't a strong enough character to even hope of breaking Sam. An episode with family drama or all about Mary would have probably made a stronger premier than this.

The best part of the episode was Dean's Liam Neeson impression lol that had to be an intentional reference!

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