Review by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Season 3

3x11 Wink of an Eye


Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-12-05T19:57:48Z— updated 2022-12-22T16:17:09Z

Alright. I get the idea. In theory, it's one of these exciting "the ship's boarded" episodes. Even the idea of different time speeds is clever although physics-wise it lacks any sensible explanation. It could even have been fun like in DS9's One Little Ship in which some crew members of the captured Defiant were virtually invisible to others - not by a time anomaly but by shrinking them to a microscopic size.

Execution is just boring though. Visual style is very strange: strange camera angles (Dutch angles turned to 11!), strange slow-mo (I know, I know: time dilation). It doesn't help that the main intruder is represented by a sexy girl behaving and dressed like she's straight out of an early 70s Dirk Diggler movie. Kirk knows of course what to do: flirting with the girl, manipulating her, force-kissing her, sleeping with her (that's what putting on his boots and she straightening her hair is code for in the 60s, right?), talking sense into her. He's a natural.

I don't get it. What's the endgame here? Did the writers want to position Kirk as some sort of Sean Connery 007 in space? An irresistible guy with rough edges?

At least Spock saves the day by utilizing logic and coffee improved by science. The coffee speeds things up. Coffee afficionado Janeway would have given her life for this brew!

PS: I wonder if Voyager's episode Blink of an Eye refers to this episode in it's title.

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