Review by Ward


Season 1

After 3 episodes, the show was really damn good. After that, it started to falter somewhat.

The show can be pretty cerebral. It's not very conventional. It's one of those shows that definitely takes that step forward in terms of the next generation of shows. The budget and effects look really good for the most part, and feel like a modern show with a good budget. This is not a typical kind of production, nor is it a generic "spinoff" of the x-men franchise. It's more it's own mostly solid thing.

I like the story, and the complex storytelling that is going on with the protagonist and it's showcase of his powers, but also the problematic aspect to his powers in regards to mental health. I like the characters, and i like the romantic relationship between the leads. What's also surprised me is often how creepy this show can be. When it comes to the scary parts each episode, they can be quite creepy and scary really. I love it, i love how well done those parts are.

It's just later on in the season, the story can be a bit too weird for it's own good, and the storytelling isn't as good and the characters aren't as developed. Plus the pacing mid season is rushed, and then afterwards slows to a crawl. So there's some definite missteps there, but i think overall it was a pretty good season.

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