Shout by Shay


This episode was AMAZING. I absolutely LOVE having Mark back in the show playing Lucifer. The way he did all that winky nod-nod to Crowley's demon audience while still fooling Crowley into believing he has the power was epic! Pellegrino is truly a master of his craft.

I can't wait to watch this all blow up in Crowley's face. How can he honestly think he could control Lucifer? The arrogance, lol.

At the same time, I'm a little sad Davies is gone? I mean, shame on him for working with the Men of Letters but also.. he was just starting to make real progress toward changing and becoming a better person. He was finally standing up for what was right instead of just following orders.

I was hoping to get a more satisfying change of sides before we had to say goodbye to him. An inside job to take down the organization would have been a great finale!

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