Shout by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Season 3

3x13 Elaan of Troyius

She's a mixture of Cleopatra, Barbarella and a female cast member from Baywatch. What a swimsuit! And she got an attitude. A French diva. Kirk of course knows how to handle her. Even if that means slapping her in the face. He's a natural ladies' man. Who cares about her wish not being married? Kirk will talk some sense into this woman.

This episode is basically like a blueprint for every Lwaxana Troi episode. A demanding and eccentric ambassador causes trouble everywhere she goes. I mean she is from Troyius (or marries someone from Troyius). Naming her Troi is probably a homage to this episode. She turns out to be less likeable than Lwxana, but still ...

The rest of the episode is mediocre. For a brief moment it's exciting when the Klingon ship is suddenly appearing while the Enterprise is sabotaged but most of the time it's a 5/10. We don't even get to see the marriage ceremony. The depiction of alien weddings were always one of my most favorite parts in Star Trek

PS: I like the ambassador guy's skin and hair. An eclectic mixture of Shrek and -don't know- Robert Redford on a bad hair day.

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