Not a good season finale IMO. I like the CGI, happy endings, and it was a nice adventure but the story has become too unrealistic and unbelievable/stupid.

I LOLed/facepalmed too many times:

  • A tiny ship that cannot be killed by a Star Destroyer (WTF?!? - then again the Star Wars universe never had proper or rather any balancing xD).
  • The Third Sister is still alive (LOL!), decide to kill yet another innocent person/child for revenge, and then suddenly decides otherwise (LOL).
  • Owen's wife being even more stubborn and deciding that two untrained(?) people are enough to stop an inquisitor(/jedi).
  • Obi-Wan promising not to die (as if he could).
  • Vader getting defeated by Kenobi - again!
  • Kenobi failing to kill Vader - again!!!
  • Qui-Gon: I was surprised to hear Liam Neeson's voice - that was a nice LOL at the end <3
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