It took some time to get to the end of Season 1 but finally I am here. Honestly the first half of this episode sucked but I did not expect the turn so that is a plus. The first half was just about - your revolution succeeded now eat it. Is it really that much better to live in total anarchy instead of a well designed secure order where everybody has his/her role to fulfill to contribute to society? (apart from the tailies of course but they have no place being in the train anyhow). Democracy export - that never works. Melanie cleverly survived and back into a decision-making position - without responsability though so she is an all-out winner. The only other joy here was LJ being thrown out of her own cabin by Mr. Pike. And then came the unexpected second half that was exciting and unbelievable in equal measures. The revolution starts in Chicago and apparently there is a second track and a supply train with boarding capabilities. I was wondering how they would keep up the tension - and this was the solution. What I do not get though is Mr. Wilford or however the fuck he is called. Isnt he dead (since the movie Snowpiercer) or killed by Melanie or whatever? I cannot follow this. What I expect though is that he collected the detached 7 wagons and we are back to square one with yet another new societal order coming to replace the current anarchy. Anything should be better than shower hating tailies running the train.

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