Shout by SpiderJerusalemInTheMountains

Velma 2023

pretty sure the tagline of this show is just "white people suck"...

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7 replies

@spiderjerusaleminthemountains Pretty sure you didn't watch the show... Go cure your victim's syndrome and give it a try, it's actually quite good.

@crevax hahahaha, thank you for the laugh :grin::joy: I'm not a victim, this was just garbage TV for me, and I DID watch it.

You know it's ok to not like something someone else likes, right? There is enough variety in the world that we can each have our opinions :smiley:

I'm glad you enjoy the show, that is why there are so many different types of content.

@spiderjerusaleminthemountains While totally agree with you, you realize your comment doesn't at all describe the show?
People might give it a pass thinking what you say is true, while it's quite the opposite. It's more like "everyone sucks" (and yes that doe include white people as well).

@crevax anyone who is truly going to be turned off by a single review was probably on the fence, already leaning a certain way.

I stand by my review, and I save negative reviews for things so tremendously awful, I'm sorry you don't like it, and like the show. I didn't trash this shown without giving it a chance, I watched the entire first season, and you better believe I was hate watching at the end just waiting for it to be good; it never did.

Just skip reviews you don't like, people are allowed to express their opinions, especially when they are based on experience and not just ignorant BS.

@spiderjerusaleminthemountains That is the first time you talk about how you felt watching it, instead of copy-paste one of the numerous hate comments (which most date from before the show even aired so pure hate review, no opinion there) that you can find everywhere.
Yeah someone might be on the edge because of said hate wave, and might want to know if it's based on the show being terrible (it is not) or on people's ego being tickled (clearly it is), or just if that's not what people expected/wanted (it probably is as well).
But reducing this show to some kind of anti-white propaganda like your first comment stated is dead wrong, because it's not only that, but it's mostly not that at all.
It's sad you didn't enjoy it, I clearly know that not a masterpiece, but I really enjoyed it, it's funny, creative, a bit trash by moments, but I totally get why people might not enjoy the show as the show it actually is.
Just don't make it be something it isn't is the only thing I'm trying to say.

@crevax I still stand by the comment, that was exactly how I felt, and I am not offended, but I truly felt like that was an underlying joke, even if it was meant in a "meta" way.

Go cry about it with your superiority complex
