Review by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Season 1


Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2023-01-28T20:03:22Z— updated 2023-03-18T14:08:20Z

It's the worst of all TNG seasons. This is excused. Writers needed time to figure out what to do with the characters and setting. But compared to TOS which I watched last year for the first time, this is gold given the task to quickly produce 25 episodes each year. Most episodes are quite okay-ish. A welcome rebirth of the franchise that was dead in the water. It looks good. In fact, due to the remastered version it looks better than ever. I have watched this show multiple times but I'm still excited. Most episodes still work although you know the end.

I gave it a 6/10. It's better than mediocre. That's why they produced another season. Is this a totally unbiased rating? No. I'm a fan. The neutral critic would probably rate it worse. Especially since the season doesn't tell a coherent connected story. But hey, that's why every rating in Trakt seems to be too positive. People tend to watch the genre or the shows they are already fond of, while people who dislike somewhat cheesy Sci-Fi don't watch the show in the first place or won't rate it.

The sets (as limited they are in season one) feature a timeless design. The potential of the holodeck addition is obvious. Actors are great. From episode one onwards you feel that they harmonize well. They all have the potential to grow and even Deanna, who is remarkably useless in season one, already shows potential that exceeds the limits of her assigned role (which is displaying t&a and telling us how people feel w/o the need to convey this by the means of acting). It's not yet the TNG I love but many things that make TNG great are already there. In miniscule portions, though. But we already get an idea of Riker's and Picard's extraordinary leadership skills, about Picard's intellect, about Data's aspirations, about Wesley's destiny (although he's obviously an annoying dork) and so forth. And we already learn that writers don't shy away from discussing social or philosophical issues. We also learn that writers and some actors have some talent for comedy.

Best episode: Datalore. My guilty pleasure: the fun episode The Big Goodbye and Hide and Q.

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