This was a truly beautiful thing to watch. The whole cast and crew working at the highest level possible to make a genuine masterwork.

In general though, I hope people just accept that this is not a video game. The Last of Us was my favorite PS3 game. The Last of Us II was my favorite PS4 game. People who can't accept that they are not the same will be disappointed time and time again in the future if they keep expecting things to play out the same way. Accept that the games are an inspiration for a TV show and that many things that work in video games do not necessarily work in a live action medium. The show itself can't be all actiony all the time because frankly it would be entirely unrealistic for Joel to continue to live through constant fights with zombies, especially when in this world one bite and you're done. There's no cutting off a limb or anything else to stop the spread. Unless you're Ellie, if you get infected you die. There's no way if they were constantly fighting he'd make it like you can in a video game. You can't reload if you get mortally wounded when you're doing a TV show.

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