Again, the show devolved a bit into romantic comedy cliches, but didn't follow through on them for the most part, so it wasn't so bad by the end. The emotion the show tries to throw out, often at the end of the episode, continually comes off tin-eared and unearned to me. I buy the lines Bojack is saying about the joy leaking out of him, and it fits with his character, but it still feels shoehorned for some reason.

I did appreciate that his eventually relenting and not trying to screw things up came after Todd's revelation and dressing down of BoJack. It's nice that the show actually followed up on that and it turned it into something meaningful.

The humor was the stand out of this one. Princess Carolyn dating three little rascals in a trench coat was delightfully absurd, and the banner gags had me cracking up. The Margo Martindale stuff was hilarious, and Todd was his usual funny self. Mr. Peanut Butter still feels like a watered down Hank Scorpio in attitude to me, but even he had his moments here. Not the best episode the show's ever done, but the gags made it a pleasant affair.

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Reply by kinky

@andrewbloom you wrote it wrong, it's Mr. "Peanutbutter", just one word ;)
