Alright, since I'm going in chronological order rather than production order, it took me a while, but I finally got to the first episode of the first season! Hooray!

This wasn't the best outing from the show, but it had its moment. Going with a recognizable character like Yoda as the focus was fun, though again, the pacing felt a lot like a video game, with Yoda & Co. going up against each new, slightly stronger set of baddies as soon as they defeated the next one, with pretty thin connective tissue in between.

That said, the scene where Yoda tells the troopers that despite the fact that they're clones, he sees the differences in them and that the force is with them too was the highlight of the episode, and surprisingly moving. Yoda's overuse of his old latin-inspired sentence structure can get tiring in large doses, but when the writers relax it, he still comes off as wise, sensitive, and no less badass. It was a nice thing to see and felt like the Yoda who Luke met down on Dagobah. I'll admit, I did enjoy his flipping around and slicing up tanks and droids, though his meditative use of his force telekinesis powers instead were probably cooler in the long run.

While I was pretty excited to see Ventress again when I first started watching the show, I'm getting a little tired of her losing each battle, suffering no consequences, and then escaping at the last minute. But the whole trade alliance story seems mostly like an excuse to let Yoda have some fun anyway, so I'm not complaining too loudly.

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