Shout by manicure

Copenhagen Cowboy 2023

Every new NWR output is as much a unique sensorial experience as it is an audiovisual means of chronic self-flagellation.

“Copenhagen Cowboy” is yet another take on childish mob stories with supernatural elements and overly stylized visuals at a glacial pace. Although not nearly as memorable as the few epic moments in “Too Old to Die Young”, at least we don’t have to go through hours of people shaving or farting in the darkness with literally nothing happening. The biggest problem is that it all feels listless and strained, a mere rehash of the same old tropes by the same one-trick pony that NWR has been in the ten years or so. The only new element might be the newly found fetish for 360° panning shots to replace part of the usual slow-motion pull-outs.

Although sponsored as a limited series, it felt like a five-hour plot with bonus trolling at the end.

So, am I ready to hurt myself further with a potential second season? OF COURSE.

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@manicure i feel the same
