Shout by Steph

Helstrom 2020

For the majority of this show, I really enjoyed both the story and the characters. I was honestly invested in both Anna and Damien, and I really enjoyed seeing what happened next. 

My problems withthis show begin as they introduce the organization about halfway through. I didn't think it was necessary, it wasn't interesting, and honestly, everyone involved just frustrated me to no end. 

Those feelings got compounded in the last two episodes when Damien gets posessed and Gabriella and that group basically vow to get revenge. With everyone else the show was trying to say and do, I had absolutely no investment in this conflict, and I think this incessant need to keep coming back to it just soured the latter half of the show for me. 

Despite that, however, I still really enjoyed a lot of the show up until that point, and I think the show could have easily course-corrected had they been given a season 2.

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