Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2023-03-17T21:23:17Z— updated 2023-03-30T17:07:30Z

This episode was prepared in an earlier episode. It's the finale of a mini story arch of this season's second half. It should have been the season finale. It's suspenseful. Riker's and Crusher's plan is good. Stakes are high. It's fast paced. I still don't think that it's a particularly great episode.

Like in Too short a season we have another old Admiral with Kung Fu skills. I don't like this at all. It's laughable. Why is the admiral so stupid in the first place? He randomly attacks people and smashes objects. Why? That's not how infiltrations or conspiracies work. I don't believe that's the way they were able to infiltrate key command posts of the Federation throughout the sector.

Given the major threat to the Federation and the scope of the conspiracy, this episode is underwhelming. Is it really enough to eliminate those guys in the headquarters and the mother-creature to stop the take-over? That's all? Don't they have some sort of back-up plan or additional protection? Aren't they supposed to put up a fight? Don't they have the detectors to check wether Riker is one of them? As soon as he beams down?

Also: this Aliens scene at the end is horrible. It didn't age well and it's graphic nature is nothing like the usual TNG style. Plus, it's strange that we never hear of them again. They could have become a major nemesis to the very existence of the Federation or other organizations and empires in the quadrant and yet we'll never hear of them again. Thus, the whole story feels totally disconnected from the TNG universe. I mean, TNG is full of isolated story but this one should be connected to more episodes than just the "prep episode" Coming of Age.

Still, it's kind of entertaining and memorable. And it doesn't take itself too serious. A 7/10.

Incoherent observations:

  • Picard wakes up in the middle of his sleep. He is about to receive a super important video call from Starfleet. And first thing he does: he pours himself a drink?
  • Data is great in this episode. The scenes with Geordie (the joke) and Riker ("I get the idea") , the data analysis scene and the talking to himself scene all contribute to his persona.
  • Crusher is casually carrying around a phaser when called to a medical emergency.
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