Can’t believe the comments complaining about the finale. This was a top tier finale to the series! Wow. One of the most underrated shows on TV lately.

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@jcman7 I agree. This 2nd season was better than the 1st. I didn't think it was necessary to have a 2nd season, but this was almost Sopranos/Breaking Bad good.

@jcman7 I completely agree, I think it stemmed from the get-go from the people who thought "They didn't need a 2nd season", which sure they technically didn't, as in they wrapped up the 1st in a way that brought it full circle, but it also left a lot of questions and left you wondering what happened. When I initially didn't know it was intended to be one season, I 100% thought that was a season finale, not a series one, and was left thinking damn why wouldn't they continue the story? Well I'm glad they did, and the show was better because of it.

I also don't think this was the end either, the moment Jimmy was shot I was like well unless he dies, which would suck, this isn't over. Then he opened his eyes and I said yep, season 3.
