Shout by Toralf

The Ring Two 2005

By now, I believe that the quality of the Japanese film "Ringu" was due to the source material and not to director Hideo Nakata. Neither with "Ring 2" (1999) nor with the US sequel "The Ring Two" did he manage to put together a remotely passable film. In this 2005 flick, almost nothing works. The film looks worse than its direct predecessor, the story makes less sense and is boring, there isn't a single convincing horror moment, and even the actors are far from their best. The latter also applies to Naomi Watts, who was brilliant in the last film. Another thing that is really annoying is the CGI, which deprives even a character like Samara, who was creepy as hell before, of any shock value. Moreover, when Samara can pop up anywhere and anytime, it doesn't necessarily make it any scarier. The silly and extremely uncreative finale then did the rest for me. I mean, seriously: "I'm not your fucking mommy!"? Really, after this film at the latest, it would have been time to finally abandon the series.

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