Shout by Jordy

WALL·E 2008

First act is magical, it’s something really special. Great characters, fantastic worldbuilding and A grade storytelling and visuals. As soon as it gets to the spaceship, there’s a small dip in quality, which is mostly because it takes until the third act to finally introduce the conflict. The second act’s not boring, but it takes its time to set-up this new world and develop the romance, and it feels a little directionless as a result (or unpredictable, that just depends on how you want to look at it). The finale, however, does pack a serious emotional punch. Thematically it’s pretty strong, there are a lot of layers and concepts to unpack here. I just find the choice to depict a human race that’s entirely dependent on technology as exclusively overweight a little boomer-ish, I suppose.


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