This movie cements what was hinted at in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The Avengers could care less about justice. They keep the world spinning and that's about it. It's weird they even put all these social issues in their stories if the superheroes aren't going to do anything about it. As difficult as it is to imagine a world just like outs but one that has had superheroes in it for generations. It's more difficult to understand why Superheroes stood back and did nothing while some of the most disgusting crimes against humanity have been committed. Crimes that should have been stopped and wouldn't have started World War III. I understand if letting the Crown kill a spy needs to happen to stop global thermonuclear war then maybe I can get why Hawkeye lets the spy die. Even more than why weren't the Avengers tapped to the threat to this one character. There's this missing piece in these movies about what the superheroes do about local issues. The TV show heroes do a good job of living locally but the big boys in spite of the fact that they all have homes and live with people just can't seem to muster up any care. Even Ant-Man for crying out loud just doesn't want to step in when the police attack a peaceful protest, but he won't let you forget he fought WITH Captain America like Cap would have stood by and let the police abuse their power.

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