"Salt, Zelda, salt. What is this, currency back in your country?"

Unrelated to the episode, but I just realized that Astrid is also Succession's Willa. Justine Lupe definitely deserves much more credit, she’s a great actress.

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@votresprit 100% about Justine Lupe, to play two completely different roles so effortlessly is a true credit to her talent, she should definitely get more work.

@votresprit it caught me off guard too. I didn't remember her character.


Reply by Caio Everton
Blocked2023-04-30T02:03:48Z— updated 2023-05-04T12:51:09Z

@votresprit right? I was so surprised she wasn't a new character too, just couldn't remember her at all! Peter Friedman was also there for a quick second.
