Oh Royal Rumble 2014....I don't think I ever heard as much booing on a single PPV in my entire life and honestly for all the good reasons for most of the time.

The PPV actually got off on a very strong start. We had ourselves a wonderful 20 minute match of Daniel Bryan VS Bray Wyatt. It was easily one of the best matches of Brey's carrier as well as the greatest match of the night. The crowd was on fire mostly because of their love for Daneil Bryan and it added to an already greatly choreographed match. Sadly this could be the only truly good match of the entire PPV

Brock Lesnar vs Big Show was a fluke. Big Show was injured going into the match so we did not get much wrestling at all. The actuall match lasted around 2 minutes. The rest of the time we had to look Brock Lesnar beating on Big Show with multiple chairs. I disliked the booking on this thing to be frank. Not a single good thing came out of this excuse for a feud.

Randy Orton vs Cena was when the booing of the night really started and it is hard to blame the fans. People have seen Orton Vs Cena more times than WWE cares to admit. This feud needs to die and be forgotten once and for all. To top it off the match itself was certinly not among the best in Cena vs Orton library. To tell you the truth the fans chanting stuff like: "Boo", "We Want Divas", "Daniel Bryan", "Insert Wrestler's name they would rather see", "This is Awful" actually made this match more bareble. At least Orton knew how to work with it and got some legitimate heel heet. Still the match was a wreck.

Then there was the cherry on top of the cake that was the FU to the fans - The Royal Rumble match.Now the first half was actually really good. The booking was smart, we had a return from Kevin Nash, the wrestling itself was good for a royal rumble match. Still somewhere in the middle fans got tired of waiting for Daniel Bryan to show up....little did they know. The longer match went on the more negative the crowd became. Finaly when the 30th participant was revealed to be Rey Mysterio, the fans started booing their lungs out. I mean poor Rey got more booing in this match than he ever had in his entire career. With fans being rightfuly angry WWE decided to do even more spitting in our face. The one person that people did not want to win royal rumble was Batista. If WWE would have went for Dolph Ziggler, Romany Reigns (which they did the next year and the push failed miserably because of the wrong timing) or even Sheamus, the fans would not have been so angry. I mean who wanted to see Randy Orton VS Batista at main event at Wrestlemania? Still Batista won to much outrage.

Excluding the exellent opening match this PPV was a trainwreck through and through. The most booing you will ever hear in one PPV and a huge spit in the face of the fans. To tell you the truth the only thing that makes me want to give this PPV a good rating is the first match but one match is not enough by far especially because this PPV is not just bad or boring, it is outright offencive with WWE throwing a middle finger to the fans in the worst possible way. For this reason I can not for the life of me give this PPV more than a 3 and even 3 is kind of pushing it when only 20 minutes of a 2 hour and 45 minute PPV are worth watching.

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