Shout by Joshua R Swanson

The series died much quicker than Walking Dead. The way the people make their arguments make no sense. So we have Travis for no apparent reason becoming the Rick Grimes character; wait he's the mayor?! So much boring in this episode. They say 9 days since putting up the fence and there are 12 such neighborhoods. The logistics behind that chain link fence is at least a few days and they have been trapped by the Army since before the fence was finished so they should be complaining about a longer amount of time.

They cannot see that tiny flashlight especially at dawn?and if they can what is her plan. The Army doesn't have perimeter sweeps to enforce the enforced curfew? That is not the kind of dick that a 1st Lieutenant is and he would not still be such a low rank in his late 30s.

Wait, what, why does Travis say his Ex-Wife is a nurse; she was lying to him about her job? So the Army decided to fence in a neighborhood and kill everyone outside of it. I hope this is that shitty 1st Lieutenant and not really bad writing for Army martial law procedures.

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I'm just going to correct you and show how I interpreted things:
I'm pretty sure him calling Travis a mayor was sarcasm, that's what I sensed at least.
Eliza was training to be a nurse, but she did do night shifts at the hospital.
The army fenced the neighbourhood in and killed everyone outside to create a manageable community.

I didn't know what you meant in this sentence: 'They cannot see that tiny flashlight especially at dawn?and if they can what is her plan.'

They don't know what zombies are yet, they are not sure how it spreads. As one of the character said: "They do evil because of fear". They tried acting carefully to no avail, so naturally now they're going to use some more drastic measures. Ones bitten(literally, HA!) twice shy. Before they didn't know it could spread through bites and lack of that knowledge had terrible consequences. They don't want to make the same mistake again.
P.S.: There is an official US document on the actions of government in a zombie-plague scenario. Not sure how much it actually resembles what's happening on the show, but from what I've heard - it's even less optimistic, including complete wipe-outs of entire cities with nuclear weapons. You can google it if you want.
P.P.S.: What's up with these shows that people love to hate them so much. Seriously, I've never seen reactions that are SO different.

I don't agree with all the points you've made, but I will say that the one thing that drives me nuts about this show is how they continually create drama by portraying unrealistic conversations where information is withheld. For example: When the junkie is trying to explain to his dad-in-law that there are people in a nearby building, he doesn't say to his otherwise thoughtful dad "hey there are people in that building".... Instead it's look at this, no, ok screw it...
