Review by Justin Numerick

Barry 2018

Barry is a show that should be remembered as one of the best dark comedies ever created, perhaps the best. There are sequences in this show and in some cases entire episodes that had me laughing harder than I ever have watching any piece of media out there. Yet the show still manages to provide a devastating, destructive, and often unsettling story through and through. Telling this story while making me laugh uncontrollably along the way is a remarkable achievement and the balance in tone should not be understated. The peak of the series came in season 2 for me, which took what was great about the first season and made it even better. Seasons 3 and 4 couldn't achieve the heights of season 2, but they were great seasons of TV in their own rights. Barry is also a very bold show, and this was best exemplified in the decisions they made in the last season. Things happened that were completely unexpected and while I do think they pushed a bit too far, at the end of the day it all came together in a finale that was true to the show and its strengths, as well as true to Barry as a character. The show also takes moments to comment on real world issues that are pretty sensitive, but it does so in the right way by maintaining its darkly comedic tone in these moments and never shoving it in your face. This is a show that truly stands out and I will miss it dearly.

9.1/10 -- Excellent

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