This movie stole my money. It stole all our money. Stop rating it so high.

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@chriskol In what way? They made it pretty clear it was a two-part movie since 2021, with its original title even including Part One in the name

@volksdk Maybe I didn't follow the production as closely as others but I had no idea it was going to be a 2 part film. And as you can see from the title here and even on the movie poster, I saw nowhere of it being a 2 part film. I was just a dude who thought the first one was amazing and wanted to see the next in the series.

This movie didn't have a cliffhanger. It was just a meandering walk on flat ground that suddenly found you hanging from a cliff. I'm clearly in the minority though and you're probably just as baffled perhaps as to why I hated it as I am as to why everyone seems to love it haha

@chriskol To be fair, a ton of people in my theatre groaned at the To be continued... . It definitely was annoying ending that way but I have full faith that they did it for a reason. I'd rather have to wait a while for a good conclusion than cram it all into half the runtime

@volksdk I'm cool with a 2 part thing and loved Dune and Kill Bill. But each of those part 1s at least had an encapsulated story/arc/plot within their part that was then expanded on in part 2. This just felt like it was a 2.5h arc-less setup for part 2. I've seen well over a thousand movies and I don't think I've ever felt this way before following one.

The "look at all the wacky different spidermen" gimmick was fun and it had it's fun moments so I gave it some points for that. But I really felt the ending was not only bad, but kind of just made a mockery of the preceding 2.5h of 'story'.
