Review by Justin Numerick

The Crowded Room: Season 1

1x03 Murder

I think the main negative for this show so far is that it seems to be trying to play into the mystery and building towards big twist reveals, when I'm sure a lot of people watching this already know what this story is about. At least that's how it is for me, and I've been looking for signs that allude to what's really going on since the first episode and now feel as if I have it figured out, so when the show continues to try and be confusing and mysterious it doesn't really work very well. However, I do think they have paced out all of those signs and clues for what is going on pretty well. I don't think it was overly obvious in the first episode but there were little hints here and there, and by the third episode bigger things start happening that I think make it pretty clear what is going on. It was a nice build, but I think it came too soon. If they continue to drag out the mystery despite making it pretty clear what's happening this early, I imagine the show is going to end up feeling like a drag because of its predictability. However, as of now I am actually pretty engaged and interested in this. To me, it is still naturally an interesting story even if I find it a bit obvious and I don't find these first three episodes boring at all. I disagree with people who say Tom Holland isn't good here or right for the role. I'm finding his performance to be pretty effective and believable so far. I imagined I would have a hard time seeing past the actor, but I'm seeing the character much more easily than I thought I would. The production design is also good and the show is pretty sound on a technical level. It's just the script that seems to be setting itself up for issues. Still, thus far I'm still interested.

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Not usually one for extended reviews but I highly appreciated this one :thumbsup_tone5::thumbsup_tone5:
