This movie is an amazing movie with lots of detail and heart put into every part. I'm going to get the first, undeniable thing out of the way. The animation, art, details, voice acting, and similar things are all 10/10. They are fucking brilliant. Many unique art styles; when Gwen hugged her dad and her world became much brighter, it made me smile. I liked a few new characters like Miguel and Hobie, though I felt they were not explored much. We have a brief insight into Miguel, so I personally don't think he is an amazing character or anything. The two stars of the show here are Gwen and Miles. I really liked the intro with Gwen, and I liked her as a character in this film. However, there were points where I was pissed at her and her decisions, but at the end of the movie, I come to see her ways. Miles was incredible in this film, and the best character. I really liked the entire idea of him challenging fate and fighting for his own life; "I'm gonna be myself". This writing of having the fucking multiverse against him and an entire group of spidermen against him was awesome. It was him versus everybody, and he managed to escape. He could have disappeared during that entire chase scene, but whatever. I really loved the part on the rocket against Miguel where he was the original anomaly. He was never supposed to be bitten. It was very interesting, but it shows how he got to the point where he is. I love how his entire thing of being himself, which I am guessing is a part of Miles and his character since I played the PS5 game, is connected to the multiverse and anomaly stuff. This Miles was never even supposed to be a Spiderman. He was supposed to be a regular guy, or maybe even turned into the Prowler. Anyway, I am basically saying Miles and his role as a person who challenges fate was my favorite part of the movie honestly. Eventually, he gets sent to the wrong dimension, which is a cool concept. At the end of the movie, it is implied (I think) that Gwen realized the canon can be broken. Her dad quit being a captain, so I am pretty sure Miguel's entire thing is wrong. How was the universe Miles set in also not sestroyed. I know they say that is why the other Spiderman died or whatever, but I still think Miguel's assumption is wrong. Anyway, the biggest flaw for the movie in my opinion was the ending. I didn't feel satisfied or hyped, I felt disappointed. At least the movie won't come out in 5 years. Before I say one last thing, I also want to mention how this actually felt like a sequel since a lot of things like Spot and Kingpin's interactions affected the future. It actually felt like there were consequences. Speaking of Spot, it was cool how he became more powerful overtime. Finally, I wanted to point out why my enjoyability score was low (for this movie at least). That is because, well, I didn't enjoy watching the movie as much as I did when compared to other movies. I really wanted to like the movie more in parts, but I don't know why I did not. This could be because there were annoying kids and a fucking baby at my screening. The kids were yelling and making noises at some parts. Maybe a rewatch would change that, but for now, I'm leaving it.

At the Time of Review:
Low 9/10

Story and Characters: 9/10
Presentation: 10/10
Enjoyability: 8/10

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