Shout by Tonydez415


Season 1

Really strong show all the way up to an ending that just killed its momentum. It's pretty funny, has a simple but engaging enough plot, and the acting is fairly good. However, the dynamic between the leads can get a bit dry, and by the end it sort of ran out of ideas in a pathetic way. The episodes are sometimes shot in a very pretentious way, and it's a lot more style compared to substance. Yet I kept watching to the end, since Steven Yuen and Ali Wong played such great antiheros. Glad it was released, yet I hope there isn't a second season since I really hated the ending.

(+) Strong acting from cast, with dynamic range presented
(+) A good looking show, shot well enough and containing some good stages
(+) Funny, with multiple styles of humor showcased
(=) Premise is not too original, and gets old after a while
(-) Awful, pretentious ending

Final Verdict: 8/10 (Great)

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