Shout by Wesley

The Visit 2015

This movie sucked so bad. In real life this mom would lose custody of her children due to neclagence.

Police officer:"How did you not recognize that these crazy people werent your parents when you first dropped your kids off ma'am???"

Mom:"Aint nobody got time fo dat!!! I dropped them at the train station and made them do the trip ALONE. I didnt even call my parents to find out if they arrived safetly... I only took the word of my children talking to them through SKYPE.. I had a boat cruise with my name on it and man wait for no lonely woman! Im not gonna let my kids steal the little youth I have left to get laid and possibly getting a new hubby. I wanted to get pounded!"

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You dummy... thanks for spoiling the movie.

@witwolfy while I agree the movie was dumb you're even dumber and asshole for spoiling the movie

@witwolfy why are you so obsessed with the mom's sex life

Seriously!!! I’m so angry! There’s no way an old woman could run and crawl like that in real life. Meanwhile as she’s running and crawling around, the mom is out getting pounded, and none of us got to see! All we got was an old naked lady. I’m offended!
