Shout by jarl

Barry 2018


Shout by jarl

What a fantastic show! I will watch everything directed by Hader now for sure. His ability to mix in comedy with gruesomeness is unparalleled. I really want to see him go all out in making a dark comedy movie. I heard that he aspires to direct horror and i would watch the hell out of it.

As for the ending, the whole time jump did in fact leave a sour taste in my mouth because it took the momentum of out the show. If it wasn't for that, I would give this show a 10.

I would rank seasons are S3 >>> S4 > S2 >> S1.

This is probably one of the most underrated shows to come out in the last 5 years and deserves all the accolades.

The acting is definitely a highlight to complement the writing. Nearly everyone's performance deserves awards but a special mention to Sally Reed.

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